Author: Will Bond

Will Bond

Don’t Miss It

All philosophical problems are linguistic confusion - Ludwig Wittgenstein Some years ago, my long time friend and SITI Company member Leon described  an idea for a book he wanted to make. It was a… more
Will Bond

A Beautiful Container

These days you might be experiencing much the same as so many of us, and finding yourself cleaning drawers, pulling shoeboxes out from under the bed,  pouring over old photographs, or, like me right… more
Will Bond

Reflections on Toga 2015 – Reentry

As the SCOT company clears away the debris of what was probably their most ambitious festival ever, they nurse injuries, sweep through guest rooms to clear out flip flops, broken umbrellas, half empty… more
Will Bond

Week 2 Toga 2015

Toga 2015 #2 This is by now out of date, but I thought I’d just post it for those interested.  It doesn’t accomplish what I’d hoped, and doesn’t  have a central idea, but maybe works as a… more
Will Bond

Letter to SITI Conservatory

This week marks an exciting new adventure for SITI company.  Artists from all over the world have committed to spending almost an entire year of their lives to participate in the first year of our… more